Ramai ibu bapa yang datang ke klinik kerana mereka mahu mencabut gigi anak mereka yang bergoyang. Ada juga yang mahu mencabut gigi anak mereka kerana gigi kekal telah keluar di belakang gigi susu tersebut. Jadi persoalannya, adakah perlu cabut gigi anak apabila sudah goyang?
Sebelum saya jawab soalan itu, mari saya bagitau serba sedikit mengenai gigi susu. Gigi susu pertama biasanya akan tumbuh apabila umur kanak-kanak berusia sekitar 6 bulan dan biasanya apabila kanak-kanak berusia 2 1/2 hingga 3 tahun, semua gigi susunya telah tumbuh. Ada kanak-kanak yang giginya lambat tumbuh dan ada pula yang cepat tumbuh. Jadi jangan risau jika gigi anak anda tidak tumbuh pada waktunya. Biasanya gigi kacip akan tumbuh dahulu, di ikuti dengan gigi geraham pertama, kemudian gigi taring dan gigi geraham kedua. Gigi bawah akan tumbuh dulu diikuti dengan gigi atas mengikut turutan tetapi ada juga yang sebaliknya gigi atas tumbuh dulu.
Apabila umur kanak-kanak sekitar 6 tahun, biasanya gigi kacip bahagian bawah akan mula bergoyang. Ini terjadi kerana akar gigi susu tersebut telah dihakis oleh gigi kekal yang mula bergerak ke permukaan gusi. Jika kita mencabut gigi tersebut terlalu awal, maka gigi kekal yang hendak tumbuh akan menjadi makin lambat tumbuh kerana akar gigi yang menjadi rujukan telah tiada. Tambahan pula, lagi lambat utk gigi tersebut bergerak menembusi gusi. Biasanya gigi yang bergoyang akan tanggal dengan sendirinya apabila tiba masanya.
Bilakah gigi susu perlu dicabut oleh doktor gigi?
1. Bila gigi kekal telah tumbuh di bahagian belakang gigi susu ( gigi bawah) atau gigi kekal telah tumbuh di bahagian hadapan gigi susu ( gigi atas) dan gigi susu belum tanggal lagi.
2. Bila gigi susu telah rosak teruk dan selalu menyebabkan gusi bengkak dan bernanah serta sakit yang menyebabkan kanak-kanak sukar makan walaupun pernah di rawat beberapa kali oleh doktor gigi.
3. Bila gigi susu yang menyekat pertumbuhan gigi kekal atau menghalang gigi kekal dari tumbuh ke tempat sepatutnya
4. Bila dah tiba masanya utk gigi itu tanggal tetapi tak tanggal-tanggal.Kerana biasanya bila gigi tu dah goyang sangat tetapi gigi kekal tak kelihatan bermakna gigi kekal ada di bawah gigi susu.
5. Jika takut utk cabut sendiri
Mitos yang mengatakan jika tak cabut gigi susu jika sudah goyang akan menyebabkan gigi kekal tumbuh tak lawa adalah tidak benar sama sekali. Apakah sebab gigi menjadi tidak teratur?
1. Keturunan
-rahang muka yang kecil dan gigi yang besar menyebabkan gigi tidak mendapat tempat utk tumbuh jadi tumbuh secara tidak teratur. Jika ibu atau ayah atau kedua-duanya sekali mempunyai gigi yang tidak teratur maka besar kemungkinan anak juga mempunyai masalah yang sama.
2. Gigi yang dicabut terlalu awal
- Gigi yang rosak atau bergoyang yang dicabut terlalu awal akan menyebabkan gigi lain bergerak ke kawasan yang dicabut . Ini mengakibatkan gigi yang sepatutnya tumbuh di situ tiada tempat . Biasa gigi yang berlapis adalah gigi geraham kecil dan juga gigi taring.
3. Gigi susu yang tidak dicabut
- jika terdapat gigi susu yang tidak dicabut walaupun gigi kekal telah tumbuh mengakibatkan gigi menjadi berlapis-lapis dan tidak tersusun
Jadi kepada ibu bapa di luar sana, bawaklah anak untuk pemeriksaan gigi dari usia muda iaitu dalam usia 2 atau 3 tahun. Bila kanak-kanak itu sudah biasa dan tak takut dengan doktor gigi maka senang untuk mendapatkan rawatan tidak kiralah tampalan atau cabutan. Jangan sesekali paksa kanak-kanak untuk mendapatkan rawatan gigi. Pujuklah dengan cara yang baik supaya kanak-kanak itu mahu untuk membuat rawatan. Jika dipaksa ditakuti nanti kanak-kanak menjadi trauma dan tidak mahu lagi membuat rawatan gigi sampai dia dewasa. Jika kanak-kanak memang tidak mahu kasi kerjasama, ada cara lain selain paksa kanak-kanak itu. Boleh membuat rawatan di hospital di mana kanak-kanak itu akan diberi ubat bius yang menyebabkannya tidur dan tidak sedar sepanjang proses membuat rawatan gigi.
Gigi yang bergoyang tidak semestinya dicabut terus. Gigi susu juga tidak semestinya dicabut oleh doktor gigi. Berjumpalah dengan doktor gigi anda dan dapatkan nasihat tentang apa yang perlu dibuat…:)
Sumber : DRLeenWordpress 03-87394039 Reko Sentral, Jln Reko KL
Februari 27, 2011
Mac 18, 2010
The Effects of Stress during Pregnancy
Relaxed Mind = Relaxed Body
The effects of stress during pregnancy are inconsistent and inconclusive. There are some evidence suggesting that stress during pregnancy can cause lower birth-weight babies and children developing behavioral problems. On the flip side contrary views suggest that since the human productive system appears to be remarkably resilient in its ability to endure the vagaries of human emotions, no amount of stress can harm the fetus. In general premature births and low birth weight because of stress effects is extremely minimal in incidence, if at all. Since there is no conclusive evidence indicating possible harm to the baby, you still need to manage stress during pregnancy for your own well being.
• Stress is very much a part of most people's lives.
• Stress can be encountered in everyday hassles like bills to pay, long queues or traffic or poor time management.
Stress during pregnancy can be chronic as in situations of domestic abuse.
• Stress during pregnancy can be acute as in the death of a loved one.
• Stress during pregnancy can lead to harmful tendencies such as drinking.
• Stress during pregnancy can be constructive - you feel exhilaration and positively challenged.
• Too much stress during pregnancy though leads to mental and physical ailments. You will no longer feel charged but bogged down instead.
• Stressed out people often get angry quickly and fall sick easily
Often we can't tell if we are suffering from stress. The way you live and your reactions to everyday situations can affect your stress level. Do you sleep well or do you worry about your work and family, health, money and other everyday concerns. If yes you could be stressed.
The signs
• Reduced concentration or focus
• Irritation or feeling hassled easily
• Disturbed eating patterns i.e. loss of appetite or binging
• Insomnia and fatigue
• Feeling anxious all the time
• Withdrawal
• Body aches and headaches
• Inability to relax
• High blood pressure
Stress lowers the libido in both sexes and may affect infertility. A woman who is highly stressed may ovulate irregularly while in some men there is a decline in sperm production when unduly stressed. Stress can cause a cycle - not conceiving when you want to can stress out the couple and in turn make conception more tedious. Research has likened infertility related stress to life threatening illnesses such as heart disease and cancer!
Stress Busters
Today, managing your life means managing the stress that comes with it. During pregnancy it helps if you are relaxed. You will have to deal with fewer aches and ailments, get to sleep better and feel less tired, be less dependent on artificial stimulants and generally be more alert and efficient. Most importantly, you will enjoy your pregnancy more.
• If you feel stressed and find relief when you receive help or support, then by all means accept the help that is coming your way. Grab the offers from friends, family and colleagues and lessen your work load whether at home or at work. Delegate or eliminate some of your work responsibilities. List the number of tasks for the day and cross each task off your list as you finish it.
• Take time out. Spend time away from pressure and activity without feeling guilty. Steal moments and relax in a tub or under a shower, guilt-free. Devote some planned time to music or a book or magazine, TV or any other activity you enjoy.
• Share your worries with someone: your partner, a friend or a professional counselor. Talking helps; talk about how you feel. Talking with your doctor for instance will also help monitor your general well being.
• Exercising helps. Go for brisk walks in the fresh air. Exercise helps the body release endorphins, the natural 'feel good' chemicals, which also energizes you. You basically get a chance to unwind and reflect.
• Get a massage from your partner or arrange a masseur to come home. Massage helps to remove the knots from tensed muscles, especially those around the neck, shoulders, back and head. A good massage meant for pregnant women combined with aromatherapy if that can be arranged will help. (Check on aromatherapy oils which are safe during pregnancy first.)
• Finally don't ignore your diet. What you eat has an effect on how you feel. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid snacking on high energy foods such as biscuits and sweets. They are quick energy fixers, relieving you for 10 mins or so but when your sugar levels take a dip afterwards you are left feeling no better off, lethargic even. Energy levels that go yo-yoing worsen the mood swings you are more prone to now. It helps to have several small healthy meals to maintain your blood-sugar at steady levels. Eating smaller meals instead of three larger ones will also help control pregnancy sickness.
• If you are still working make it a practice to put some time aside for yourself. By doing this you will be able to cope with work, your partner and your daily routine without feeling hassled. If work situation gets stressful that you find it hard to handle, talk to your employer about part-time schedules or maternity options.
The Relax Technique
• Once a day for 10 minutes or more, focus on relaxation. Lie back in a chair or on your side on the bed with pillows supporting your neck and shoulders. Take slow deep breaths.
• Think about something pleasant with your eyes shut. Block out your surroundings, the world at large and just focus on pleasantries or your baby. Contract and relax every part of your body.
• Focus on how your body feels. Start with your toes first; squeeze your toes and then let go. Feel the tension seep out of your body. Do the same with your calves, thighs, pelvic floor, buttocks and so on until you reach your forehead. Stay in this state, ensuring all your muscles are relaxed and at the same time stay focused on your imagined thought. The aim is to prevent worrying thoughts from entering your mind. Surrender yourself to tranquility.
• It may not come easily but learning to relax is beneficial and it is something that requires practice and dedication. Make it a habit to spend quiet time away from everything else.
Source : http://www.welcomebabyhome.com/
The effects of stress during pregnancy are inconsistent and inconclusive. There are some evidence suggesting that stress during pregnancy can cause lower birth-weight babies and children developing behavioral problems. On the flip side contrary views suggest that since the human productive system appears to be remarkably resilient in its ability to endure the vagaries of human emotions, no amount of stress can harm the fetus. In general premature births and low birth weight because of stress effects is extremely minimal in incidence, if at all. Since there is no conclusive evidence indicating possible harm to the baby, you still need to manage stress during pregnancy for your own well being.
• Stress is very much a part of most people's lives.
• Stress can be encountered in everyday hassles like bills to pay, long queues or traffic or poor time management.
Stress during pregnancy can be chronic as in situations of domestic abuse.
• Stress during pregnancy can be acute as in the death of a loved one.
• Stress during pregnancy can lead to harmful tendencies such as drinking.
• Stress during pregnancy can be constructive - you feel exhilaration and positively challenged.
• Too much stress during pregnancy though leads to mental and physical ailments. You will no longer feel charged but bogged down instead.
• Stressed out people often get angry quickly and fall sick easily
Often we can't tell if we are suffering from stress. The way you live and your reactions to everyday situations can affect your stress level. Do you sleep well or do you worry about your work and family, health, money and other everyday concerns. If yes you could be stressed.
The signs
• Reduced concentration or focus
• Irritation or feeling hassled easily
• Disturbed eating patterns i.e. loss of appetite or binging
• Insomnia and fatigue
• Feeling anxious all the time
• Withdrawal
• Body aches and headaches
• Inability to relax
• High blood pressure
Stress lowers the libido in both sexes and may affect infertility. A woman who is highly stressed may ovulate irregularly while in some men there is a decline in sperm production when unduly stressed. Stress can cause a cycle - not conceiving when you want to can stress out the couple and in turn make conception more tedious. Research has likened infertility related stress to life threatening illnesses such as heart disease and cancer!
Stress Busters
Today, managing your life means managing the stress that comes with it. During pregnancy it helps if you are relaxed. You will have to deal with fewer aches and ailments, get to sleep better and feel less tired, be less dependent on artificial stimulants and generally be more alert and efficient. Most importantly, you will enjoy your pregnancy more.
• If you feel stressed and find relief when you receive help or support, then by all means accept the help that is coming your way. Grab the offers from friends, family and colleagues and lessen your work load whether at home or at work. Delegate or eliminate some of your work responsibilities. List the number of tasks for the day and cross each task off your list as you finish it.
• Take time out. Spend time away from pressure and activity without feeling guilty. Steal moments and relax in a tub or under a shower, guilt-free. Devote some planned time to music or a book or magazine, TV or any other activity you enjoy.
• Share your worries with someone: your partner, a friend or a professional counselor. Talking helps; talk about how you feel. Talking with your doctor for instance will also help monitor your general well being.
• Exercising helps. Go for brisk walks in the fresh air. Exercise helps the body release endorphins, the natural 'feel good' chemicals, which also energizes you. You basically get a chance to unwind and reflect.
• Get a massage from your partner or arrange a masseur to come home. Massage helps to remove the knots from tensed muscles, especially those around the neck, shoulders, back and head. A good massage meant for pregnant women combined with aromatherapy if that can be arranged will help. (Check on aromatherapy oils which are safe during pregnancy first.)
• Finally don't ignore your diet. What you eat has an effect on how you feel. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid snacking on high energy foods such as biscuits and sweets. They are quick energy fixers, relieving you for 10 mins or so but when your sugar levels take a dip afterwards you are left feeling no better off, lethargic even. Energy levels that go yo-yoing worsen the mood swings you are more prone to now. It helps to have several small healthy meals to maintain your blood-sugar at steady levels. Eating smaller meals instead of three larger ones will also help control pregnancy sickness.
• If you are still working make it a practice to put some time aside for yourself. By doing this you will be able to cope with work, your partner and your daily routine without feeling hassled. If work situation gets stressful that you find it hard to handle, talk to your employer about part-time schedules or maternity options.
The Relax Technique
• Once a day for 10 minutes or more, focus on relaxation. Lie back in a chair or on your side on the bed with pillows supporting your neck and shoulders. Take slow deep breaths.
• Think about something pleasant with your eyes shut. Block out your surroundings, the world at large and just focus on pleasantries or your baby. Contract and relax every part of your body.
• Focus on how your body feels. Start with your toes first; squeeze your toes and then let go. Feel the tension seep out of your body. Do the same with your calves, thighs, pelvic floor, buttocks and so on until you reach your forehead. Stay in this state, ensuring all your muscles are relaxed and at the same time stay focused on your imagined thought. The aim is to prevent worrying thoughts from entering your mind. Surrender yourself to tranquility.
• It may not come easily but learning to relax is beneficial and it is something that requires practice and dedication. Make it a habit to spend quiet time away from everything else.
Source : http://www.welcomebabyhome.com/
Januari 04, 2010
Oktober 21, 2009
Travel with Baby

Car Journeys With Baby
- A good car seat is, of course, essential. Make sure the seat is the correct model for your baby's age-group and weight and ensure that all straps are securely fastened.
- Always place baby's seat in the rear of the car and NEVER in the front seat where the passenger air-bag is located.
- Always operate the child locking system for the car doors - a curious baby on a long journey will find the door handle very tempting!
- Attach removeable window shades to your car's window - your baby will become very hot and uncomfortable if not protected from the sun on a long journey.
- Dress baby in light layers of clothing - temperatures may fluctuate, so it's important to be able to easily adjust his clothing and keep him cool and comfortable.
- Always carry a baby first aid kit in your car.
- Decide to travel day/night - For long car journeys with baby, travelling at night is often the best option, as he is more likely to sleep until you've arrived!
- Feeding your baby - make sure you prepare disposable bibs, baby's bowl and feeding utensils,
- Alway entertained your baby - brings toys, baby music CDs and anything that work.
- Brings enough nappy, plastic bag & wet tissue. Also consider to stop every 2-3 hours if driving in a day. This gives you a chance to re-vitalise and gives baby some time out of the car seat
Air Travel with Baby
Before you fly, contact your airline (tel/visit website) to know the facilities they offer for parent traveling with baby. Such as:
- if you can pre-book a sky cot/bassinet and the maximum age/weight that it will accommodate.
- If possible, choose where on the aircraft you would like to sit.
- Take note the rules about baby food & milk
- Consider booking an extra seat for air travel with baby - if not, you will be expected to sit with an infant under 2 years of age on your lap. Depending on the length of your flight, this can be very hard work, particularly with an older baby.
Always allow yourself plenty of time at the airport when travelling with your baby - remember that everything will take longer and you may have last minute nappy/diaper or clothing changes to contend with!
Some airports offer fast-track customs or immigration points for families with very young children - definitely worth looking out for!
A baby sling/carrier can be really useful, as it leaves your hands free for carrying other things!
If you have not booked an extra seat for baby, ask if the flight is full. If not - and if you are lucky - the airline assistant may keep the seat beside you empty, or offer a seat next to a vacant seat.
The changes in pressure on take-off and landing can cause ear pain, so breastfeed your baby or offer a bottle at these times to encourage sucking. This has never been a problem for any of our children - in fact, my ears seem to hurt more than theirs! Beware of existing ear infections, however - flying can increase the pain quite significantly and air travel with baby should really be avoided in this situation.
Change your baby's nappy immediately before the flight - if you are lucky, he may not need changing again until you arrive. Instead of hauling all your hand luggage to the bathroom with you every time baby's nappy needs changing, pack yourself separate little "changing bags" - just put one nappy and a few wipes into individual nappy sacks so you have all you need for each change.
Make sure you bring spare clothing for yourself too - its maybe useful if anything happen.
Make sure you offer your baby plenty of drinks throughout the flight as air travel can be quite dehydrating.
Sources : http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/
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